Dear All,
We hope that you are all well. These past few months have certainly been extremely difficult for many people with very few being unaffected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Les Elfes has been running remotely, and frequently in touch with the authorities, understanding how to operate in these unprecedented times and importantly when we can re-open and welcome children through our doors once more.
The good news is that from 5th July this year, our Summer Camp shall reopen, and we believe that after schools having been closed, and with limited travel taking place, Summer Camp will be a refreshing and welcome change for young children and teenagers. Integrating with others, being in the outdoors, and simply having fun up in the mountain will surely remedy any restrictions which have taken place these last few months.
Our two and three-week programs shall entail our classic languages and outdoor activities elements. Mountain Huts, trips down to the lake, rock climbing and mountain biking, to name a few which bring challenges, joy and learning for those hungry young minds. Details on how we are working slightly differently are on our website, here a few points for your consideration:
- Children shall be under the care of our dedicated staff as well as a full-time nurse.
- Uniquely to Summer 2020 instead of 4 bedded rooms we shall offer 2 bedded rooms as standard.
- Les Elfes shall offer a 10% discount on all bookings for summer camp 2020.
- Extra measures will be taken during the campus.
Wherever you are this summer we trust you have a wonderful time and look forward to any questions you may have concerning our programs, and of course welcoming Les Elfes campers once more.