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户外团队建设活动让营员们忘记学校和日常的挑战,专注于与同伴建立新的联系和信任。 作为主管,在课堂上用快速游戏、趣味问答或破冰游戏吸引同事需要花费时间和精力。 还有持续的学业压力和大量的家庭作业需要完成? 冬令营夏令营为孩子们提供了参与各种团队建设活动的绝佳机会。 本文将讨论参加儿童团队建设游戏冬令营的重要性。

Table of Contents


What is a Team Building Game

团队建设游戏或活动是让孩子们参与的竞争性活动,既能帮助他们获得乐趣,又能培养他们的品格技能。 在团队建设活动中,孩子们可以学到解决问题、沟通、创造性思维和应变能力等基本技能。


不同的团体举办团队建设活动的目的各不相同。 一个团队所参与的活动取决于他们所要实现的目标。 例如,一个规模较大的团队建设小组可以成为发展共同友谊和经验的理想场所。

对于希望提高解决问题能力和沟通技巧的小组来说,人数最多不超过 12 人。 为孩子们举办大型团队建设活动时,拥有一名技术娴熟的主持人非常重要。 出色的技能可以让孩子们全神贯注,执行指令,并确保活动引人入胜。


保持全年的参与度和积极性对学校的成功至关重要。冬季团队建设活动是帮助孩子们在团队环境中培养技能的好方法。 虽然冬天的天气可能会让人感到沉闷和不舒服,但为团队策划有趣和引人入胜的游戏可以让他们保持高昂的士气。 以下是非常适合孩子们的精彩团队建设活动。

– 看点

Seeing Spots

这项活动是在每个营员的额头上贴一个彩色贴纸点,但不让他们知道是什么颜色。 游戏开始后,拥有相同颜色贴纸的每个小组必须在不说话的情况下找到对方。 这项团队建设活动有助于促进合作和非语言交流。

– 激光枪或彩弹射击

激光枪战和彩弹射击是极好的团队建设活动,可以帮助营员消耗多余的体力。 如果彩弹射击显得过于粗暴,可以让孩子们玩激光枪战。 这两种游戏对孩子们来说都是很好的团队建设活动

激光枪战是一种使用发射红外线的枪支进行的快速格斗游戏。 游戏专门设计了暗处和有利位置。 激光枪战的目的是尽可能多地射中对手,无论是团队还是单人模式。 该游戏非常安全,是 6 岁以上儿童的理想选择。 它结合了战略技能和体育锻炼。

– 障碍接力赛

障碍接力赛是最适合青少年的团队建设活动之一。 由所有成员组成的第一支队伍将获胜。冬令营的组织者可以策划各种需要孩子们个人或团队合作的活动。

障碍课程教会孩子们协作完成任务,同时帮助他们了解个人贡献对实现共同目标的重要性。 虽然障碍赛可能很艰苦,但却能帮助孩子们掌握社交技能,培养归属感并激发动力。 接力赛是一项鼓励团队合作的有趣集体活动。

– 排球

排球比赛是最适合儿童的户外团队建设运动之一。 玩这个游戏只需要一个排球和一个网。 在难以忍受的冬季条件下,营员们可以在室内进行这项比赛。

– 肥皂盒德比

肥皂盒脱轨赛是一种创造性项目,可促进团队合作,帮助孩子们培养出色的解决问题的技能。 在这些比赛中,营员们从零开始制作汽车,然后再进行比赛。 这些汽车通常没有发动机。 每个团队都必须合作设计汽车,并在比赛中为它们加油助威。 这是一项时间密集型活动,需要很多小时才能完成。 可以持续半天或一整天。 孩子们需要的材料包括车轮、板条箱和胶合板。

– 户外团队建设野餐

冬令营野餐是非常适合儿童的户外团队游戏。 要安排好这次活动,必须在露营地附近有一片广阔的空地,比如田野或公园。 摆好野餐桌,让队员们带上草坪椅、毯子、沙拉、薯片、三明治和热饮,以御寒。 孩子们可以玩游戏、举行比赛或随着自己喜欢的音乐跳舞。

– 双重大冒险

双倍挑战是一项团队建设活动,参赛者要参加各种体能挑战赛。 要玩好这个游戏,事先要设置好站位并收集好所有所需材料。 将营员分成若干小组,在选手完成挑战的过程中记录得分。 这项活动通常包括小游戏、障碍赛和琐事问答。

– 体验漂流

漂流为营员们带来了湍急的水流,他们可以通过团队合作克服困难。 它非常适合年龄较大的孩子。 为了操纵和推动充气船,孩子们应该指定一名领队,并在整个旅程中保持清晰的沟通。 营员们在完成行程后,将与队友一起创造难忘的回忆,建立特别的记忆。

· Go Hiking and Enjoy Some Fresh Air

根据斯坦福大学的研究,花时间在大自然中是平息焦虑、减轻压力和降低抑郁风险的理想选择。 紧张的学业安排可能会给孩子们带来压力,他们往往需要一些时间来放松身心。 在冬令营期间组织营员集体远足可以改善他们的身心健康。 除了改善个人健康,将锻炼和社交结合起来也是增进学校友情的绝佳方式。

· Learn how to Sled, Ski, or Snowboard


Teaching kids how to snowboard, ski, or sled is crucial during winter camp, especially if they don’t already know how to do it. Combining socializing and learning new skills is an excellent way of encouraging interpersonal bonding.

– 四人拔河比赛

This outdoor activity is more fun than the traditional tug-of-war. Pick two long jump ropes and tie them together at their central points to create an X shape before tying a bandana at that point. Use cones to form a circle that fits around the center.

Split the group into four equal teams and have each stand at each end of the ropes. Signal the teams to start pulling. The teams should aim to be the first to drag the other groups towards their direction, far from the bandana, to move out of the circle. Children who lack the confidence to participate in this game can play the role of a referee.

– 热门席位

Split the campers into two teams and let them sit in groups facing a makeshift chalkboard or whiteboard. Place an empty chair for each team in front of the class facing the participants. The chairs are known as hot seats. Select one volunteer from each group and have them sit on the hot seat facing their teammates. Have a list of vocabulary words to use during the game.

Pick one and write it on the board. Every team will take turns getting the member on the hot seat to guess the word using definitions, antonyms, and synonyms. Ensure team members collaborate so that each member gets a chance to provide a clue. The camper on the hot seat will listen to their teammates and try to guess the word.

The first participant to get the word right will win a point for the team. When participants guess the word correctly, a new member from each group will replace them on the hot seat. A new round will then begin with a new word.

– 寻宝游戏

Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger hunting is an excellent team-building activity for children. Participants must collaborate to solve various puzzles and clues to help them find items. Campers can play scavenger hunt outdoors or indoors. It is an excellent activity for large groups. Planning a scavenger hunt outing can be time-consuming, but it’s worthwhile. Use easy-to-solve puzzles and clues to plan scavenger-hunting activities for younger children.

Consider the number of participants and their ages when choosing the number of items they should find. If you are working with older kids, include group tasks such as dancing together and filming the entire event. Scavenger hunting is one of the best activities that help promote collaboration and communication among participants.

– 唤醒沉睡的巨怪

This is among the simplest team-building games for children that require little preparation and limited space. The sleeping troll, in this case, is the team leader. Without speaking, team members should line up based on their height, from the tallest to the shortest. After managing this task, they should shout “boo” at the sleeping troll and scare them enough to proceed through the bridge successfully. This activity reiterates the importance of non-verbal communication, which is crucial for developing team bonds.


Facilitating team building games in a winter camp for children is a crucial role that requires a blend of guidance and encouragement. Camp counselors and facilitators play a pivotal part in fostering a positive and inclusive environment where teamwork thrives. They must not only explain the rules of the games but also emphasize the importance of cooperation, communication, and sportsmanship.

During these activities, they act as mentors, helping campers navigate challenges, resolve conflicts, and learn valuable life skills. After each game, facilitating debriefing sessions allows campers to reflect on their experiences and understand how they can apply what they’ve learned in their daily lives. Ultimately, effective facilitation transforms winter camp team building games into powerful opportunities for growth and bonding.

21 冬令营中团队建设游戏的重要性

21 Importance of Team Building Games in Winter Camp

让孩子从小参与团队建设活动,有助于他们将来在学校和工作场所茁壮成长。 以下是您应该让孩子参加冬令营团队建设活动的理由。














14.帮助孩子们获得经验和智慧。 当营员在团队建设活动中取得成功或失败时,他们将永远不会忘记成功的过程。 他们也会明白失败的原因,并努力取得成功。 孩子们的团队建设游戏为他们将来面对和战胜挑战做好了准备。





19.帮助儿童享受新鲜空气和维生素 D



While team-building activities for children can be lots of fun, managing a large group of teens and keeping them engaged can be daunting. Often, teens struggle with interacting with their peers, especially if they meet them for the first time. You must select activities with a suitable difficulty level to build teenagers’ and younger children’s interest and keep them engaged in physical and bonding activities.

Fun team-building games for kids should be challenging yet fun enough to keep them engaged and active. However, they should also have an achievable goal to avoid disconnection. Supervisors can play the role of a cheerleader to create a safe and encouraging environment for the participants. Before starting any activity, supervisors must explain the rules, especially for group activities.


如上所述,团队建设活动对孩子们有很多好处。 假设您是第一次送孩子参加团队建设活动。 在这种情况下,关键是要了解许多冬令营都会提供安全有利的环境,以确保参与者在和谐的氛围中享受乐趣并创造难忘的回忆。 查看我们网站上的相关文章,促使您为孩子报名参加下一次团队建设活动。