The days are shorter and the weather is colder, but that doesn’t mean the fun needs to be limited! There are plenty of fun activities to keep you and your kids active this winter. From family fun as a group to individual adventures, there’s plenty of fun things to do to carry us through the cold winter months.
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Follow Animal Tracks
Animals are out and about all year long, but winter is the best opportunity to find evidence of their travels. Go on the hunt for animal tracks in the snow and try to figure out who or what made those tracks. Measure the size of the print, count the number of toes, and look for other clues that might help you find an answer.
Feed The Birds
Not all birds migrate to warmer climates in the winter and, for those who stick around, food can sometimes be hard to come by. Create some bird feeders with simple things you probably already have around your home. It can be as simple as a toilet paper roll or pine cone, covered in peanut butter and rolled in bird seeds. Your kids can feed their feathered friends and watch their creations in action.
Get Colourful
Pure white snow makes the perfect blank canvas for some beautiful artwork! Fill squirt bottles or spray bottles with water and a little food colouring, then send the kids outside to start creating. In no time at all, you’ll have the most vibrant snow-covered lawn in the neighbourhood! “My kids love being able to decorate their front lawn and make it their own. And, when there’s another snowfall, they’ve got a brand-new canvas to work on!” raves Alice, an educator at PaperFellows and BoomEssays.
Winter Camps
Getting away for day or overnight camps isn’t just for summer break! Winter camps will give your kids the opportunity to form new bonds and friendships while learning new skills and enjoying all that winter has to offer. You can find camps specific to certain sports or activities, like hockey camps, or more general camps where they’ll participate in a variety of activities.
Have Fun With Frosty
What’s winter without building a great big snowman? But, the fun doesn’t have to end when you pop on his hat and plug in his corncob pipe. Have a little fun with Frosty by taking turns trying to piece him back together while blindfolded. Try to get his buttons, eyes and nose back in the right spots without being able to see where his pieces are landing.
Light Up A Fire
There’s nothing better than sitting around a campfire and enjoying the company of family and friends. Add s’mores to the mix, and you’ve got the recipe for a perfect night! Winter bonfires are great for keeping toasty warm and because the sun sets earlier in the evening, you can get that fire roaring sooner!
Create A Band Of Snow Angels
There’s possibly no activity that is more classic than falling back in the snow and swishing out a good old-fashioned snow angel. Why not grab those squirt bottles filled with coloured water and give your angels a vibrant hue.
Erupt A Winter Volcano
A little baking soda topped with a little vinegar makes for a great reaction! Add a little colour, and your kids can create their own winter volcano. All they need to do is build their volcano out of snow, leaving a space on the top for a cup. Scoop a few spoons of baking soda into the cup, along with a little food colouring. Thicken your ‘lava’ up with a little dish soap in the cup before adding your vinegar! “The best part about a snow volcano is that it’s quick and easy to build a new one – no need to spend the time building a paper mache volcano that just gets one use,” explains Derrick, a writer at StateOfWriting and EssayRoo.
There is plenty of fun all around to keep your kids busy through the cold winter months. Whether you’re all participating together as a family, or sending the kids out on their own adventures, make the most of this beautiful season.
Using her experience as a mom, Emily Henry contributes as a parenting writer at and She also adds her expertise and knowledge as a manager at