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With Coronavirus advancing across the world, people are seeking coronavirus tips on how to protect themselves from contracting it.

WHO has already declared COVID-19 a pandemic and as it becomes widespread, taking precaution is no longer an option.

Governments across the world have put in place various preventive measures.

As an individual, you should adopt protective steps not only to keep yourself safe but also to protect others.

This way, you’ll also reduce the chances of spreading the disease to others. In this article, we shall discuss effective tips to help you stay safe. 

How Likely Are You To Get The Coronavirus? 


Anyone is vulnerable to the coronavirus.

However, some groups of people are at a higher risk of experiencing severe complications from the virus and will need hospitalization.

People who contract Covid-19 will get flu or cold-like symptoms. Still, some people remain asymptomatic.

Regardless of where you belong, limiting the spread of the disease is everybody’s responsibility. What can you do to be on the safe side?

1. Practice Frequent Hand Washing

Frequent Hand Washing

Thorough and regular hand washing has been said to be one of the most effective methods of keeping this virus at bay.

Wash your hands thoroughly and correctly with soap under running water for at least 20 minutes.

If you’re stuck in instances where handwashing isn’t possible, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), regular hand washing is the best way to bar the spread of infectious diseases. 

2. Stay Home

Following recommendations from the WHO and CDC, governments across the globe are encouraging people to stay home or work from home where possible.

It’s worth mentioning that not everybody is privileged enough to work from home.

What’s more, people will still need to go out in search of gas and groceries.

There are various preventive measures you can take to protect yourself and others as we shall see below. 

·         Rather than Using Fingertips, use Your Knuckles, Elbows, Feet, and Knees 

If you’re still pushing buttons for lifts with your fingertips you need to stop.

Do you have to push a button, pull a lever, or sign for something digitally?

Use a different part of your body such as the knuckles. You can easily push a door open with your foot, hip, or shoulder.

Further, you can flip on a sink faucet or light switch using your wrist or elbow.

If you must use your hand to open doors, why not wrap a handkerchief around the door handle? 

·         Don’t Go Placing Your Phone Anywhere

Currently, more people are using disinfecting wipes to clean their phones.

However, you want to be cautious about where you place your phone.

For instance, you don’t have to carry your phone to the bathroom.

Avoid exposing your gadgets to heavily shared surfaces and you’ll have little to worry about.

If you have to use your phone in a shared place consider setting your phone on a napkin.

This way, you won’t have to disinfect it regularly.

·         Observe the Way you Shop

Carry your own washed plastic bags, totes, or mesh bags for your produce.

These come in handy seeing that you’re the only one who’ll be handling them.

What’s more, you won’t have to touch the commonly used shopping cart or basket.

If you have to use a store’s shopping carts or baskets, wash your hands thoroughly and wipe the carts with sanitizing wipes.

Further, you want to wash your hands thoroughly on reaching home. 

·         Avoid Sorting Through Produce Using Bare Hands

If you’ll be sorting through farm produce in the market try to insert your hand inside a bag which you can use as a glove.

Always wash and sanitize your shopping bags after shopping.

Remember to wash your hands and produce thoroughly when you get home from shopping.

·         Carry Extra Facial Tissue, Disinfecting Wipes, And Napkins

You can always use your disinfecting wipes to wipe out your hands or surfaces.

Napkins come in handy as a barrier between your phone and a surface.

For instance when opening a highly shared door handle. 

·         Minimize Handling of Cash

According to experts, the highest risk of contracting coronavirus is through person to person transmission.

However, highly shared surfaces can conceal the virus. To be on the safe side try using paperless payments. 

·         Avoid Touching Eyes, Nose And Mouth

Hands touch numerous surfaces from where they’re exposed to viruses.

With contaminated hands, you can easily transfer the virus to your mouth, nose, and eyes.

You may get sick when the virus finally penetrates through the body.

This explains why frequent hand washing is critical. 

3. Practice Respiratory Hygiene

Cover Cough and Sneeze

Ensure that you and your loved ones adhere to strict respiratory hygiene practices.

This means you should cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or your bent elbow.

Dispose of used tissue immediately because droplets spread the coronavirus.

Sticking to proper respiratory hygiene is crucial for protecting people around you from different viruses such as the flu, cold, and Covid-19. 

4. Seek Immediate Medical Care if you Feel Sick

Some of the symptoms you should be on the lookout for include: difficulty in breathing, a dry cough, and high fever.

In case of these signs seek medical advice immediately.

You want to call in advance before visiting the medical facility and they’ll guide you accordingly.

Remember, local and national authorities have an up to date data on the state of the virus in your area.

Calling in advance helps health care providers to direct you to the ideal health facility. This way, you won’t spread the virus or infections to other people.

Remember, you should be up to date with the latest information about the coronavirus.

Follow the advice from both local and national public health authorities and your healthcare provider.

This will help you know how best to protect yourself and others. 

5. Adhere to Guidelines from your Local Public Health Officials

curb the spread of coronavirus

Recently many cities, counties, and states put in place individual protective measures to curb the spread of coronavirus.

Nearly all private and public schools in all affected countries have since closed down.

Youth, college, and professional sports programs have been suspended until the situation stabilizes.

Summer camping activities are also currently on hold.

Bars and restaurants have either closed down or are allowed to operate for limited hours only.

Staff working in nonessential businesses has been told to either stay home or work from home.

If your local government or city has enforced guidelines it’s always good to adopt and follow them to the letter. 

6. Improve Your Immune System

One of the best prevention measures to protect yourself and avoid spreading coronavirus is by securing your immune system.

You can fight off disease better when your immune system is strong.

Experts say this is the ideal time to target health practices that you may have been overlooking before.

Adopt food choices and daily practices that boost your health. Convert them into habits that will boost your health.

This is the time you should be getting sufficient sunlight, fresh air, and sleep. Cut down on processed foods and stay well hydrated.  

7. Practice Social Distancing

Social Distancing

Maintain a 1-meter distance between you and anyone who’s sneezing or coughing.

This is because when someone coughs small liquid droplets escape from their mouth or nose and they could contain the virus.

When you’re too close there are high chances that you’ll inhale the droplets and become sick as.

During this time people are becoming cautious and social distancing here involves the following scenarios.

8. Avoid Handshakes

Refrain from meeting family members or friends in person. Maintain a boundary between you and the next person whenever you go out.

Remember, social distancing is something you should when: you’re in the waiting line at the grocery store, or walking along the streets.

If you must go to the restaurant the best practice is to buy your food and leave or have it delivered.

Whenever you feel that the person next to you is too close: you can either take some steps behind or politely ask them to move. 

Bonus Tip

·         Remain as Calm as Possible

Amid the uncertainty that’s surrounded the entire world; the best way to cope is by remaining calm.

Remember, anxiety and increased stress levels can harm your immune system. This is not what you want to be struggling with at this time.

Are you feeling anxious and overwhelmed by the situation? Here are tips to help you relax. 

  • Consume as minimal information as possible
  • Find other things to keep yourself occupied
  • Remember there’s nothing much you can do to change the situation. Only focus on what you can do to keep yourself safe
  • Allow yourself time to worry about the whole situation. Ignoring your thoughts about the pandemic only worsens an already bad condition
  • Discuss your worries with non-judgmental friends and family members


Cleaning and disinfecting highly touched surfaces is a critical step.

Adopt is in your workplace and home to protect your loved ones and others from exposure to the coronavirus.

Some of these areas include?

Light switches, doorknobs, tables, shared computers and office desks, vehicle doors, and countertops.

When surfaces are dirty clean them with soap or detergent and water before disinfecting.

If you’re sick wear a facemask before visiting a medical facility. 

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