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The Benefits of a European Sleep Away Camp for Your Child

Summer Camp For Child

According to Peter Scales, an established author, educator, and psychologist, camps provide the perfect environment for your children to encounter and fulfill their desire for creative expression, physical activity, and involvement within a community environment; something which Peter says many schools have not been able to achieve.  

If you’re a parent, your desire is for your child to thrive in things they are passionate about. In today’s fast paced world, your children have to learn and master various skills to succeed. These include; self-esteem and resilience skills, self-reliance and problem-solving skills, and leadership skills. Camps provide the ideal and serene environment to nurture these skills, away from the hassles and bustles of the city.

What are Camp Organizers Doing to Maximize the Camp Experience?

With the recent popularity of camps for young children, organizers have listened to what the child development leaders have pointed out regarding children’s needs. This is why they are keen to adopt the best measures to ensure children get the best out of their European sleepaway camp

A group of children campers residing within natural surroundings and participating in camp related activities are some of the best instruments organizers utilize to make camps healthy, prosperous, and the ideal environment to have fun and relax. 

In such well-organized surroundings, children will connect with significant role models who are ready to talk and offer a listening ear, and professionals who help them reflect and relax. If you are struggling to allow your children to go for summer camps in Switzerland, perhaps the following benefits will convince you to let them go.

Separation from their Parents Influences Growth

European sleepaway camps may be short; however, they can have a huge impact on the child’s growth. Often, these mark the beginning of your child’s trips without you and while they allow the child to evolve in various levels, they also give you the opportunity to realize their growth. Remember, children are always developing and you will hardly notice it especially when you are with them on a daily basis.

Give them some time off to attend some of the best summer camps in Europe and you are bound to notice a significant change. Regular campers will not only be fit but they will also be happier and more exuberant, thanks to being exposed to sufficient sunshine and inhaling fresh air. By attending sleepaway camp, your child will experience physical, emotional, and social growth. 

They Master Independence

If you want to teach your children how to execute tasks on their own, camp is the perfect opportunity to do so. Remember, you will not be going with them to camp. This not only eliminates the need for you to do things for them, but it also means that they have no choice but to do what there is to be done.

Further, they will have to remember everything you would otherwise remind them such as; brushing their teeth, making their bed, taking showers and even making healthy eating decisions, failure to which they risk getting punished by their group leaders.

The good thing about European sleepaway camps is; they are an ideal opportunity where even vulnerable children can master the art of depending on themselves while they are away from their loved ones. Once the camp is over, you will see that your children are able to execute tasks without being reminded. 

Sleepaway Camps Enhance Determination

Children are encouraged to give their best in skill-building activities during camp. Further, they will feel the need to outshine their peers and this enhances their determination to achieve success.

The camp environment is conducive for learning activities and with robust role models, your children will be inspired to continue learning and improving their skills. It’s worth noting that there’s no ending curve when it comes to learning at the camps. Team leaders will be happy to cheer the children as they learn and advance various skills.  

They get Sufficient Space and Time to Execute New Skills

While at home, your children have to deal with many things such as home chores and completing their homework. These can deny them the time they need to try out new things. When your children attend international summer camps in Europe, they will not only be exposed to challenges, but they will also be introduced to a safe culture where they can take risks.

The fact that camp leaders are there to provide the support they need is enough to motivate the children to take risks. Even the most reserved child will be inspired to try new and adventurous activities such as ziplining or even public speaking. Attending camp will challenge the most soft-spoken child to stand up and defend themselves when conflicts arise. 

They Learn Social Skills

Social skills are not only essential for your children, but they are critical for everybody. With excellent social skills, your children will be able to communicate, interact, and work together with others with minimal struggle.

While some of the best summer camps in the world provide a wide variety of activities for your children, they also provide a community where your children can join and showcase their talents. The community comprises of camp instructors, counselors, fellow campers, and even the camp organizers. These possess the right expertise to instill in your child the social skills they need to; get along with fellow campers and master the art of collaborating to complete tasks with children from a different background.

For instance, your children will participate in shared duties where they’ll have to coordinate with one another to; win a competition, keep their surroundings clean, or help one another master new skills. A perfect European sleepaway camp will enhance both cooperation and leadership skills in your children. 

They Take a Break From Technology

In today’s digital world where nearly everybody including children is techno-savvy, many parents are struggling to keep their children off the television, their tablets or phones. Many parents will agree that keeping children off these electronic devices and the internet is a major challenge.

Many European sleepaway camps are against the use of electronic devices and even if children have to carry their iPods or tablets, the organizers keep them safely until the camp comes to an end. This gives them sufficient time to engage in worthwhile activities. Taking a break from technology and electronics enables your children to make new discoveries, focus on their hobbies, and appreciate their surroundings more.

They discover themselves

Sleepaway camps expose children to group experiences from which they learn critical information about themselves. Participating in group-related activities during camps develops self-esteem, enhances self-advocacy, promotes self-discipline, and helps the children become more productive. These skills play a major role in preparing children for prosperous adulthood. 

Your Child will Become more Grateful

When they are at home, children have everything at their disposal so much so that they may take them for granted. It’s not until they go for European sleepaway camps that they learn how to be grateful for their: big bathrooms, a warm bed, gadgets, snacks, and sufficient food.

Spending some days away on summer camp can be all your child needs to be grateful for the small things that life has to offer. What’s more, your child will learn to value you. Often, children take their parents for granted. However, children who’ve been on a sleepaway camp learn to be grateful for the effort their parents make to ensure they are satisfied. 

They Form new Friendships

Is your child overly reserved? Do you constantly worry about their inability to make new friends? If the answer to these questions is yes, perhaps you need to expose them to an activity that gets them out of their comfort zone. Sending them for European sleepaway camps is one of the most appropriate ways of helping your children make new friends.

Of course, it won’t be easy for them to agree to attend a summer camp where they don’t have friends. However, they will get an opportunity to interact with other children and make friends with ease. Whether camp friendships are short-lived or last a lifetime, the experience helps your child to diversify and master the art of connecting with people from a different race and culture.  

Your Child will Learn how to Make Decisions

During European sleepaway camps, you will not be near your child and they will have no option other than making their own decisions. They will have to choose their meals, contemplate on whether to sleep on the lower or top bunk, choose between playing football, swimming, or going hiking instead, they will even decide how to spend their pocket money. Of course, camp leaders and counselors are not as controlling as parents, children will be responsible for their own choices. This will prepare them for teenage and young adulthood where they will need to make informed choices. 


Summer camps in Europe offers your child the perfect opportunity to interact with other children, make new friends, and get exposed to various learning opportunities. What’s more, they will get motivated by watching fellow campers do things differently. Not only will your child become more responsible, but they will also learn to appreciate the things you do for them.