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How to Find Great Ideas for Your Next School Trip

School trips not only help students to relax after a long term of studying and preparing for exams, but they also present the students with a great learning opportunity. They trigger interest in different study topics which can help students build their careers in the future. However, if you’ve attended a school trip before, chances are you and your students may want to go back to doing the same activities in subsequent trips. Here are tips to help you know how to find great ideas for your next trip.

Allow the students to take the Lead

Often, teachers collaborate with trip organizers to plan for student trips. While this is a great act, it lacks the participation of the students and many times you could miss out on something interesting that the students would want to try. Involving the students however will expose you to new field trip ideas summer camp. You may not believe this but students are more exposed to matters concerning trips and summer camps. They understand what they want and how they want it executed. You could be surprised at what they bring to the table. Participating in the trip planning and management process will go a long way in enhancing different student skills which can benefit them entirely. When the students assume responsibility for themselves and their colleagues, they instill a sense of ownership in the other students. This strategy promotes confidence and engagement while forming a good working relationship with the rest of the crew. Further, this strategy is ideal when it comes to empowering the students and enabling them to steer their own learning experience. Both teachers and the field trip organizing committee can later discuss how the trip progressed and figure out ways of doing it differently in subsequent trips.

A Change is a Great way of Finding Rest

If you choose to visit an unfamiliar location, you will need to do your research well to understand the location well, establish interesting places to visit, figure out exciting things to do, know what to expect, and above all ensure that the environment is student-friendly. This might seem like lots of work but it doesn’t have to be. Today, the internet offers you lots of information which you can make use of. As the popularity of field trips for students grows, various destinations are giving out resources for different stages and ages. You will gather sufficient knowledge on what to and not pack for the trip, and what to do and not do to ensure the students are happy with the trip.

Field Trip Ideas for High School Students

Field trips are ideal for students as they present them with an opportunity to educate themselves through observation. They expose students to diverse experiences away from their day to day school activities. Before the trip, teachers and organizers take time to gather sufficient field trip ideas for highschool students. This goes a long way in ensuring the students get what they pay for. Field trips come with numerous benefits to the students as seen below. 

Students get Exposure to the Real World

Field trips are among the ultimate tools that teachers can leverage on to expose their students to real-world experiences. Whether the trip involves visiting local museums, cultural centers, theaters, waterfront parks, or even the grocery store, the students will have something to learn from a real-world perspective. Once the students step out of their learning centers, they can experience a connection between what they learn in school and what happens in the world. They become certain that everything they learn in school can be applied in real life to get tangible solutions for various problems. Further, exposure to the outside world enables students to realize that their studies are not in vain; rather they play a huge role in determining how they steer their lives in the future. 

Educational Impact

Field oriented learning is essential when it comes to helping students improve their grades. Studies suggest that students from the middle school who attended science field trips, for instance, had better scores in their state science test. Field trips offer the best opportunities for hands-on learning. Students can remember what they experienced during field trips better than they would theory learning. Take an example of your days in school. What do you remember most? Is it the theory you spend many days on or the things you learned during school trips? Many people will attest to the fact that what they learned during field trips is still vividly etched in their minds as opposed to what they learned in classrooms. During field trips, students have the chance to look at concepts from various perspectives. Ideas are explained in different methods and strategies and this makes them easier to understand, even for the students who have difficulties understanding through conventional methods of learning. As a teacher, you will realize that even the dullest students become bubbly and more confident during field trips. Due to being exposed to various concepts comprehensively, the students will understand their lessons more clearly. Remember, students come from different backgrounds, some of which will never be recreated by the internet or even the books they read in class. Field trips provide students with multiple sensory learning experiences which actualizes lessons and triggers interest towards subjects which cannot be replicated through in any other manner. 

Interactive Learning

Planning a visit to the farm and participating in some activities such as tilling the land, milking cows, and planting vegetables are some of the most interesting field trip ideas for high school. These activities expose students to real-life experiences that they could otherwise not have actualized by reading them from a book. Students can have a physical interaction with what they are learning while on field trips. The experience is unique seeing that the students can see it, feel it, and even modify it accordingly. Unlike in the classrooms where students can only imagine what they’re learning and are not even sure whether or not it’s true, field trips involve having a one on one interaction with different situations. Executing tasks physically is more exciting than the theoretical concept of the same.

Exciting Field Trip Ideas for Preschoolers

Preschoolers are fascinated by the outdoors and attending field trips is one way of ensuring that they learn and master different words as they develop their vocabulary. There are various field trip ideas for preschoolers which will trigger their interests in various fields. Teachers should choose safe and age-appropriate activities to make the activity worthwhile and exciting for the children. Here are some great ideas you may want to consider.  

A Visit to the Local Library

A library is an ideal place for children of different ages. Preschoolers, for instance, can be exposed to reading from an early age by visiting the local libraries. It’s worth noting that reading never stops and regardless of their age, there will always be something for the children to engage in at the library. Preschoolers can participate in scribbling or basic painting competitions for instance. Many local libraries offer child-friendly books which the preschoolers can marvel at during their visit to the library. Allowing preschoolers to explore the library plays a huge role in the development of their brains. Teachers and trip organizers can even allow the students to pick their books of choice and this helps them identify the things they love associating with. Teachers can also engage librarians to instill in the children tips on how to search for books according to their topics of choice. Teachers should, however, always be in control of what the students are reading.

A Visit to the Bakery or Local Restaurant

Almost every child loves bread and good food. A visit to the bakery will have them exploring various types of pastries that the bakery offers. They can even learn how to make bread practically from a young age. What’s more, they will learn all the equipment required to make bread and this way, they will easily identify with the same when they go back to class. Visiting the local restaurant too will be instrumental in teaching the preschoolers what goes on during the preparation of their favorite foods. Apart from learning about food, teachers can leverage this opportunity to teach preschoolers some lifelong safety skills in the kitchen. 

A Visit to the Zoo

A visit to the zoo is an opportunity to learn science from an actual point of view and have fun at the same time. Many preschoolers will identify with the animals from interacting with them in their classroom and watching them on television. What’s more, preschoolers can understand climate change and environmental activities better. Teachers can incorporate a visit to the park on this trip. Here, preschoolers can have a small picnic outing while connecting with their friends. 


Field trips help students to relate what they learn in the classroom with the real world. The skills both preschoolers and high school students learn during field trips will nurture their skills throughout their lives. Still, field trips need lots of planning and collaboration from administrators, teachers, and parents as well. A successful field trip will give students a worthwhile educational experience.