Spring brings about some of the most ideal opportunities to engage in outdoor-related activities such as camping and hiking.
During this time, the weather becomes warmer, animals come out of their hibernation, and trees start blooming.
Still, spring can be a shifty and challenging time to go camping filled with unpredictable conditions.
Should you choose to go camping in spring, you will need proper preparation and practical expectations. You don’t want to get trapped in a cold and soggy situation.
If you are considering going camping during spring here are some tips to help you maximize your experience.
1. Pack Extra Changes of Footwear and Clothes
Drizzling during spring can bar you from enjoying your camping trip.
However, you can counter these with simple prior preparations. For instance, if the weather forecast indicates bad weather you will need to pack additional clothing and footwear.
This way, you will have something to keep you warm as well as extra clothes to wear should yours become muddy or wet.
Boots can be ideal for wet conditions but they can become muddy.
An extra pair of footwear will come in handy especially in the evening when you retire from the day’s activities.
2. Inspect Your Gear

Get your gear out of storage and check to ensure everything is in good working order.
Even when your gear has been in storage for some time, chances are that you will notice problems you hadn’t seen before.
Inspect the tent for holes and mold and make sure all the tent stakes and poles are in place.
Check your lamps to ensure they are operational before charging them. Have new batteries for your flashlights and where possible carry extra pieces to be on the safe side.
Check whether your camping stove ignites and works well and fill your gas tank. Apart from inflating your mattress, you may need to use it for a night.
This will help you establish whether it has holes or is leaking.
Starting your preparations early gives you enough time to either replace or repair your gear before the onset of spring.
What’s more, replacing worn out and old gear in winter is ideal if you’re looking for exciting deals.
Should you purchase new gear, you will need to inspect and try it before you can use it.
3. Make Arrangements for Healthy and Hot Meals
Having proper nutrition while on camp is essential.
Remember; spring falls right after winter and sometimes it can get overly cold especially at night.
You want to have proper arrangements for your meals. For instance, you could prepare healthy curries and soups in advance and freeze them.
Pack them and heat them on your camp stove once you arrive at your destination.
Be sure to consume hot beverages such as porridge frequently. Instant porridge bowls come in handy for camping especially in the morning.
If you hardly like cooking, you can purchase specially designed frozen meals for camping from your nearest store.
All you will need to have them ready for consumption is hot water.
Remember, consuming hot meals is important for campers during extremely cold temperatures.
4. Be Prepared to Deal with Moisture
Spring can be unpredictable more so when it comes to moisture.
Remember, at this time snow is still melting and this can make trails muddy and impassable.
Sometimes finding a dry and flat spot to put up a tent can be an arduous task. Sudden rains in the afternoon can make the nights overly cold.
If you’re going for spring camping you may want to pack some of your winter gear just to be on the safe side.
Dress appropriately, in layers, and avoid cotton clothes as much as possible especially if it’s raining.
Carry additional clothes to cater for unpredictable weather and include gloves, water-resistant clothes, and a warm winter-appropriate hat.
Beware that it would rain during your camping session and waterproof your gear to keep your essentials dry.
Always sleep on a raised platform to prevent moisture from seeping in your sleeping bag through the base of your tent.
In case you feel cold be sure to exhale out of the sleeping bag to prevent the build-up of moisture.
5. Beware of the Wildlife and Watch the Trails
Remember there’s increased animal activity during spring as they come out of hibernation.
Animals such as bears, elk, deer, and goats will be out in search of food while others will be giving birth.
Remember to give way to animals. Reach out to a park ranger should you notice a wounded animal and resist any temptation to help their young ones.
Many times their mothers will be close by and they can be dangerous. Maintain a clean campsite to avoid attracting animals.
Exercise extra caution when walking along the trails especially if you’re going spring camping for the first time.
Chances are that they could be different than they were during winter. They could be wet, muddy, and sometimes washed away.
It’s always advisable to wear waterproof shoes when traversing trails you’re unfamiliar with.
Be on the lookout for the growth of new, poisonous, and delicate flora such as poison ivy.
6. Prepare for Muddy and Soft Pitches
Chances are that the ground will remain waterlogged between March and April.
You may end up putting up your tent in soft and muddy places making it weak in case of heavy winds.
This is where a good quality groundsheet will come in handy. It will prevent your tent from getting overly muddy.
You will also need to use good quality tent pegs.
7. Monitor the Weather Forecast

Monitor the weather forecast before embarking on your spring camping trip. Remember, spring is marred by uncertain weather patterns.
Don’t be surprised to experience cold nights after a sunny day. Sometimes you could encounter heavy rains.
Spring nights are often cold and you want to pack appropriate clothing. Apart from dressing in layers, be sure to pack all-weather appropriate sleeping bags.
A properly insulated sleeping bag specially designed to help you manage temperatures below 40 degrees will be appropriate.
Utilize a sleeping pad to create a distance between the wet or cold ground and your body.
Ensure the tent you choose can withstand low temperatures and strong winds.
8. Have a Trial Run
Prepare a list of all the things you will need for your inaugural spring camping trip.
Pack your equipment and have and have a trial run at local state park or campground. Set everything whether you will use them or not.
This will help you establish whether or not all your gear is in good working condition. Ensure your new equipment works well collectively.
You want to avoid a situation where your air mattress doesn’t fit in your tent for instance. Find out whether or not you are comfortable with the sleeping arrangements.
Establish what you need to change or upgrade to make your spring camping trip a success.
If you’re a frequent camper, there could be something you wish to change from the last time you camped.
Try out your arrangement until you are satisfied.
Assess your list often, striking down things you don’t need to avoid over packing and replacing what needs to be replaced.
9. Carry Extra Bedding to Keep You Warm at Night

As we’ve mentioned before, nights can get overly cold in spring and you will need more bedding to keep you warm and comfy.
One of the best things about spring camping at Les Elfes is that there are ready beddings for hire.
If you either forget to pack some, or it gets colder than you had anticipated, you can be assured that help will be a call away.
You may want to have thermal clothing to wear when going to bed and a thermal blanket for extra warmth.
Do you tend to feel abnormally cold?
If you do, you can opt to use your chunky fleece pajamas and thermal clothing together with a hot water bottle.
Include a hat and gloves for added protection and warmth.
If you are an RV camper, packing extra blankets that you will not use is better than freezing for lack of enough bedding.
10. Beware of the Bugs
For instance, spring often comes with stagnant water which becomes a breeding ground for black flies and mosquitoes.
You may want to wear clothes that cover your entire body well such as long-sleeved shirts and trousers.
Where possible wrap a shawl around your neck and wear socks and boots. Always sleep under a treated mosquito net.
This will not only keep the mosquitoes away but it will also keep other bugs at bay and help you sleep peacefully.
Some people opt to use bug repellant or spray while others don’t. Inspect your tent for ticks before retiring to bed.
Spring camping at Les Elfes presents you with a vast range of things to do. What’s more, there are measures in place to protect campers from bugs.
Prepare for a lifetime experience without having to worry about pesky bugs.
Spring camping may not be as popular as summer and winter camping trips. However, it can be exciting with proper preparations.
If you are yet to go spring camping expedition, perhaps you should start preparing for one this coming season.
One of the best things about camping during spring is that there are fewer crowds.
This means you will almost have the entire campsite for yourselves. Further, you will have a great time exploring new adventures without having to worry about congestion.