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Group of campers from Les Elfes Winter Camp warming up before hitting the slopes

What Les Elfes does to Guarantee Safety

Camping is fun and exciting, but it can be dangerous too. What are some of the dangers that you should be on the lookout for? How can you stay safe while camping? What does Les Elfes do to guarantee safety?

Safety is an ideal requirement for you or kids when they go out camping. Understanding the dangers you should avoid, how to stay safe, and what you can expect from Les Elfes is critical. It’s the first step towards maximizing your camping experience.

Dangers to Avoid while Camping

While campers are susceptible to various dangers, many of these dangers can be avoided with proper preparation. Whether you’re planning for a school summer or winter trip, here are some of the common dangers you should avoid while camping.

fire and barbecue at les elfes summer camp


A good campfire in the evening after a vigorous skiing session can be fascinating. Still, it can also pose a risk. You need to ensure that your fire is well built to prevent it from escalating and getting out of control. This will protect you and the forest. As you camp, it’s your responsibility to avert forest fires. Apart from taking the ideal measures to prevent fires, ensure your campfire is built far from the tents.

While many tents are made from fire-resistant materials, this doesn’t mean that they can’t get damaged. Always keep flammables away from the fire. If possible, build a non-flammable obstruction around the fire to prevent spreading.


Animals, especially bear that live in many of the camping sites during winter are beautiful to look at, cuddly, and lovable. You could easily want to touch them. However, they can be dangerous. Be careful when storing food, especially leftovers. Avoid leaving food out as the odor can attract bears and other animals or even insects. If you have to east, make use of the specially designated eating areas.

Always keep a distance from bears should you spot one. Be particularly careful of the mother bears as they’re overly protective of their cubs. They can easily attack you if you threaten them. If your camping trip involves staying in a place close to bear activity, shout at the highest of your voice when you encounter them and this will scare the animals away.

Extreme Weather

Weather can be unpredictable and can fluctuate anytime regardless of the number of times you check the weather forecast. Some of the things you should be on the lookout for include lightning. Have plans in place to counter flooding, extreme heat, and cold weather conditions. Check the weather forecast every day and be ready to handle any eventualities. Hypothermia, for instance, isn’t a preserve of the winter period only.

Sudden downpours, cold summer nights, and extremely sweaty hikes are factors that can trigger hypothermia. What can you do to avoid this situation? If you’re camping during the rainy season, you want to pitch your tents away from moving water and stay away from flat areas to safeguard you from severe flash floods. Assuming you experience: extreme sweating, fall in a pool of water, or are caught in the rain, dry yourself off immediately and change to dry clothes.

Wrap yourself in a blanket and keep yourself warm. During lightning attacks, don’t stand close to lone trees. If you can, take refuge in a depression along the terrain or in between a collection of both small and bigger trees. Try to minimize contact with the ground as much as possible if lighting attacks find you in an open field. Stay as hydrated as possible during extreme heat. Experts recommend a liter of water every one hour.

Berries and plants

One of the exciting experiences during camp is sampling wild plants and berries. However, you need to understand that these can be poisonous. Unless you or your guide is experienced in selecting safe to consume wild berries and plants, the best option would be to avoid them. While many of them are safe for consumption, others can be hazardous to your health.

group of girls sorting flowers as part of their duke of edinburgh's adventurous journey with Les Elfes International
Camper holds a cricket in his hand and his friend is looking at him


Encountering insects in the wilderness is a common occurrence. It’s worth noting that many insects carry various types of diseases. While insects are unavoidable, they can be annoying and disruptive. Always carry insect repellant to counter insects. Ensure your repellant of choice contains picaridin or DEET and reapply regularly when inside the water if you sweat often, and before going to bed. Inspect your clothes and tent for insects such as ticks just to be on the safe side.

  • Staying Safe During Camp
  • You can maximize your camping experience with the following safety tips.
  • Pick the Ideal Site and Shelter

To secure the best camping site and shelter for your camping experience, you need to consider your: medical needs, physical limitations, and age. The same should apply to all the other people you’ll be camping with. Remember, varying amenities will be at your disposal depending on whether you choose to stay in an RV, a cabin, or a tent. If you’ll be camping in a cabin, for instance, you’ll get both bunk beds and full beds.

If you opt to use a tent, on the other hand, you may want to carry various essentials such as; sleeping bags, air mattresses, and other basic items. As much as cabins and recreational vehicles (RVs) are more secure and come with various amenities, a big percentage of campers still prefer camping in tents. As a tent camper, you’ll be provided with fire rings, picnic tables, recreational spaces, and restrooms complete with showers at Les Elfes. 

Monitor the Weather

Check out the weather forecast before embarking on your trip. Still, while you’re packing, ensure to have essential clothes for use during snow, rain, high humidity, or high heat should the weather change abruptly.

Adopt Safe Food Packing and Storage Strategies

buffet with melon and ham, and garden salad served during international day at summer camp 2024 of Les Elfes

As we’ve seen above, storing your food on picnic tables or unsecured places is the leading cause of getting attacked by wild animals. Store your food in tightly closed waterproof containers and secure them in an insulated cooler box. Remember, you can be susceptible to foodborne illnesses while camping. What you need to do to avoid such inconveniences is: thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water. You also want to keep raw food separately from your cooked meals.

Mind Your Allergies and Safeguard your Skin from the Sun

Do you suffer from allergies? Are you under any medication? Pack any medication you use as the first method of countering allergies and relieving the problem should it arise. Further, have a first aid kit with you and be on the lookout for various symptoms such as breathing difficulties, dizziness, and swelling around areas where you’ve either: been bitten by insects, or when plants come into contact with your skin.

While some people opine that UV rays are unavailable during cloudy days, you can easily damage your skin then as would be the case during sunny days. Use sunscreen and wear sunglasses and a hat. These can go a long way in protecting you from harmful UV rays. The sunscreen you choose should be a broad spectrum with approximately SPF 15. Remember to use a good quality lip screen to prevent cracking of the lips.

What Does Les Elfes do to Guarantee Safety During Camp?

Les Elfes is committed to ensuring that every camper remains safe during camp. Management of the camping resort collaborates with various personnel at the resort to guarantee safety on their popular sports. These include; snowboarding and skiing. While these activities are risky, the management team has on standby a team of experienced and professional staff. These are trained to ensure the resort is as accident-free as possible.

Les Elfes is strict when it comes to snowboarding and skiing activities for kids. The management doesn’t allow children to ski alone without a guide. The camp organizers at Les Elfes understand the importance of warming up before embarking on any activity on camp. Further, participants are allowed regular breaks which they can utilize to either enjoy a hot cup of beverage or take a nap.

Camp organizers at Les Elfes reiterate the importance of drinking sufficient fluids to protect yourself from getting dehydrated. All the counselors at Les Elfes marketing department have with them an extensive first aid kit and mobile telephones. These kids should possess proper training in basic CPTR and a basis.

There are nurses on standby at every campus in Les Elfes. Instructors here are certified by the Swiss Ski School. All the equipment that campers use while camping at the Les Elfes club is owned by the establishment. To guarantee the safety and proper function of the equipment, 30% of them are replaced annually or repaired to ensure ultimate quality and performance. Do you need an airport, transfers will you need to move too far off areas to participate in various destinations?