General Conditions* I agree to the general conditions.
All reservations are confirmed through Les Elfes Int SA, a company registered with the Swiss Chamber of Commerce. No reservation is valid unless Les Elfes Int SA has received this signed contract, accompanied by the required advance deposit, or the total amount due to the camp if less than 30 days separates the date of registration and the beginning of the session. The person signing the registration form certifies to Les Elfes Int SA that he/she has the legal right to represent the participant registered (and if the participant is under 18 years of age, the authorisation of the parents, of the group leader or of the legal guardian) and to enter into this contract with Les Elfes Int SA and that each registered participant accepts all of this contract’s conditions. This contract is governed and interpreted under Swiss laws and jurisdiction. No addition, deletion, modification or promise can be made regarding these terms and conditions, except in writing, by a representative or director of Les Elfes Int SA.
The total programme cost for the session, including charges for supplementary items, must be deposited to Les Elfes Int SA before the beginning of the camp. The required advance deposit is non- refundable. The balance is refundable according to point 10 of Les Elfes Int SA general conditions. In the event that a student is expelled from the camp on the grounds of gross misconduct or breach of Les Elfes Rules (see point 6.), no refund will be given. Les Elfes Int SA also reserves the right not to refund any camp fee due to students cutting their stay short. In case of visa denial with proof from the Swiss Consulate/Embassy, Les Elfes Int SA will reimburse the full amount.
War or risks of war, terrorist activities, political instability, riots, civil wars, industrial conflicts, natural disasters, closing of airports, technical problems or airplane accidents or other transportation accidents, fire, bad weather or any other events, or Acts of God beyond the control of Les Elfes Int SA that may affect the running of the camp programme, will not be the responsibility of Les Elfes Int SA. If the direction decides that the camp cannot be run for one reason or another, Les Elfes Int SA will refund the total amount of money received. If the participant decides on his/her own not to participate in the camp although it will be normally run, the participant cannot claim any refund from Les Elfes Int SA. Snowboarding can be chosen however in the case a camper is the only one in the class, this shall be deemed a private lesson and therefore incur an extra charge of 100chf per ski day.
Les Elfes Int SA gladly assumes full responsibility for the programme arrangements reserved and will do its best to fulfil these. However, Les Elfes Int SA cannot be responsible for certain events that are not in control of Les Elfes Int SA. For example, ski-lifts, certain hotels, airlines or other public transport companies, or other parties such as mountain guides, specialized monitors etc. Therefore, Les Elfes Int SA clearly states that it cannot be held responsible for extra costs, complications, losses, injuries, damage, accidents, lateness or inconvenience due to any error made by a company, or other persons in regard to the benefits offered in the reservations, during the activities or during transportation of participants unless some negligence or lack of diligence on the part of Les Elfes Int SA can be proven. If a reservation is made, through an external collaborator or independent agent of Les Elfes Int SA, all complaints regarding their services should be made directly to the concerned party or parties. Each parent or group leader must sign, date, and return the consent form along with all annexed sheets describing the activities.
The parents, the group leader or legal uardians assume full financial responsibility for each participant: they register (children or young adults) for the following:
A. Damages caused, voluntarily or not, to facilities, equipment, material or other objects belonging to, or rented by, Les Elfes Int SA.
B. Costs of repatriation of participants required to return home or to a specified place for reasons of health, accident, bad behaviour or other reasons judged as valid by Les Elfes Int SA.
C. Pocket money and all other personal purchases made by the participant except for articles clearly stated in the reservation
D. All equipment rented or purchased which is deemed necessary for the participant to take full advantage of his/her holiday, which is returned by the participant in bad condition or which may be lost, missing or damaged.
Whilst under the responsibility of Les Elfes Int SA, the participants are expected to conform to the rules and regulations of Les Elfes Int SA. Les Elfes Int SA reserves the right to send the participant back to his/her home or to his/her group leader, if, during the session, the participant exhibits' behaviour which is incompatible with the well-being of the camp or if the participant fails to observe the rules established by Les Elfes Int SA. Each parent or group leader will sign and return the annexed rules.
Les Elfes Int SA cannot be held responsible for weather or snow conditions which may interfere with the ski program. If Les Elfes Int SA judges that the conditions for skiing are dangerous or unsuitable due to the weather, the ski program may be delayed or cancelled,
even if the ski-lifts are functioning. If for any reason the ski season has to be cancelled, substitute activities will be provided for the participants. Only if Les Elfes Int SA is compensated by refund from the ski-lift central office, will the full amount of any such refund be divided among the participants involved.
Les Elfes Int SA holds a Civil Responsibility Insurance policy issued by Generali. This policy settles all claims arising from legal liability of the participant for accidental injuries or accidental damages or loss to the property of third parties: The maximum amount insured is CHF 5’000’000.– per incident.
Health and accident insurance is mandatory. Les Elfes Int SA has a health and accident insurance for its participants. This insurance is compulsory for each participant who participates with Les Elfes Int SA and includes coverage for all sickness or accidents in Switzerland. The mandatory policy costs CHF 120.- per week. Pre-existing illnesses will not be covered. The insurance covers only expenses from the moment of arrival in Switzerland until the departure from Switzerland.
In cases of illness, accident of the participant, or death of a close family member (parent, sibling, or grandparent), clients who have subscribed to Les Elfes Int. SA’s cancellation policy are eligible for a full reimbursement of the camp’s value, minus the CHF 1,000 deposit. To claim this benefit, participants must notify Les Elfes Int.SA and provide adequate proof (e.g., medical certificate, death certificate). The policy is valid up until 24 hours before the first day of camp. Clients who do not select the cancellation policy are not eligible for reimbursement under any circumstances. If the student get injured and has to leave the camp before the scheduled date, Les Elfes Int SA will reimburse the value of the missed stay.
Les Elfes Int SA reserves the right to cancel any of the sessions mentioned in its brochure due to insufficient numbers of participants or for any other reason at the discretion of Les Elfes Int SA. If this rare event should arise, Les Elfes Int SA will offer to its participants the possibility of choosing another camp session or programme of Les Elfes Int SA or full reimbursement of the money deposited.
Les Elfes Int SA reserves the right to use all photographs of participants, or work completed by participants or other persons, for its future publicity purposes.
Les Elfes Int SA will take any and all necessary action for the well-being and health of the child. This contract authorizes Les Elfes Int SA to take action to assure medical treatment of the child, in the event of accident or injury, at the discretion of Les Elfes Int SA. All costs of medical treatment will be the responsibility of the parent, the group leader or legal guardian.
I have understood the information in the brochure of the institution Les Elfes International Camp in 1936-Verbier, Switzerland. I confirm with my signature that I know my child will participate in sports activities with inherent risks during the course of this camp. Particular swimming, skiing, snowboarding, soccer and ( optional ) paragliding. I also confirm the knowledge that these activities take place under the responsibility of Les Elfes Int SA monitors and also under the responsibility of companies or third persons carefully chosen and contracted by Les Elfes Int SA. I have understood and signed the consent form in addition to the explanatory note on each activity, with its description, its risks, and the security measures specific to it, the qualifications of the monitors, guides or other person in charge of taking care of, helping or advising the participants. I accept that these choices are discerning and that the measures are suitable and sufficient. In my role as legal representative of the child, I accept these risks and I authorize my child to participate in sports activities under
these conditions.